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What is Operation Outbreak?

Operation Outbreak Website

Developed in 2015 and having been deployed in schools and conference settings across the US and world, Operation Outbreak (OO) is an education and simulation platform that invites experiential learning into the classroom setting. Before COVID-19 hit, the OO team at the Sabeti Lab of Harvard and the Sarasota Military Academy ran simulations in schools and research conferences from Sarasota to Shanghai and even repeatedly simulated a SARS-CoV-2-like virus (with a basic reproductive number of 2-3 and that spreads asymptomatically).

Read their September 2020 publication in Cell


Todd Brown -

Former teacher and winner of the US Congressional Teacher of the Year, Henry Ford Innovator Award for the United States, and Ignite Education Innovation Award.

Pardis Sabeti, M.D., D. Phil. -

Professor at Harvard University and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

Andres Colubri, M.F.A, Ph.D. -

Director of the Colubri Lab at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. He develops machine learning and visualization tools for biomedical data sets and contributes to Processing, a programming language for arts and design.

Kian Sani -

Harvard College alumnus, currently serving as an advisor to Sabeti Group leader, on strategic partnerships and development, at Harvard and the Broad. Non-founding member of OO leadership, working to deploy OO platform in support of COVID-19 mitigation in schools and overseeing textbook development work.

Molly Kemball -

MD candidate at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), and former Project Coordinator at the Sabeti Lab.

Chloe Boehm -

Project coordinator at the Sabeti Lab. She works with school districts, nonprofits and universities to increase access to COVID-19 surveillance testing and develops educational resources for partner organizations.

Priya Pillai -

Software Engineer in the Sabeti Lab. She works on creating better tools to design viral diagnostics, and develops the Operation Outbreak website.

(see https://operationoutbreak.org/team )