Frequently Asked Questions Skip to main content

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions for us that we haven’t answered? Email us at

Will my private information or location data be gathered?

  • No, the app does not collect any private information or transmit your geographical location. It only uses Bluetooth to identify other phones running the app that are within ~10 feet. The app will ask to enable GPS; however, the location data DOES NOT leave the device. It is only used to facilitate running in the background.

I have signed up, but I can’t start the simulation?

  • The app requires a BYU specific start code to join that will be typed into the app where it displays “Enter the outbreak code”. The code will be released on Tuesday, Feb 22, 2022.

How do I get tested and/or vaccinated?

  • Are you infected? Head over to the LSB to see if you have (virtual) Covid-19. During the simulation, you will find a Test QR code on the posters (2nd and 4th floors).
  • Trying to get vaccinated? Find the Vaccine QR codes attached to the posters in the LSB (2nd and 3rd floor) where you can scan the QR code to get your virtual vaccine. (Note: you only need to get vaccinated once.)

How long will the simulation last?

  • We are hosting the simulation for 6 days from Friday, Feb 22nd to Sunday, Feb 27th.

I have in-person classes, what should I do?

  • In-person classes are actually what gives us the most useful contact information. We ask that you do not change your social behaviors and that you attend classes like normal.

Will I receive the actual SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 vaccine during this simulation?

  • No. We are only providing virtual vaccines that change the likelihood that your phone will be "infected" by the virus.

Will I get sick by participating in the simulation?

  • We are NOT infecting anyone with any infectious disease during this simulation. We are only using a virtual "virus" that "spreads" between phones that are running the app.

Is this a research-based simulation?

  • No. The primary goal of this simulation is to educate participants and provide an experiential learning experience.

What will this simulation data be used for?

  • Operation Outbreak simulations generate data that can be used in various contexts. Examples include: tracking vaccine protection among participants, the ability of pathogens to spread among social networks, and predicting how effective PPE can be. These data will be used to improve our understanding of how the BYU community responds to vaccines in order to better estimate requirements to achieve herd immunity.